Whenever there is a hard job to be done I assign it to a lazy man. He is sure to find an easy way of doing it. -Walter Chrysler Laziness is a fairly underrated virtue. It’s synonym made the short list of deadly sins (sloth) and it is often seen as the major culprit behind […]
Archives for May 2007
Upgrade Your Core Menu – Healthy Eating Without Restrictions
Most diets work through restrictions. Additional self-enforced rules of eating to stay healthy. Don’t eat sweets. Don’t eat fried food. Don’t eat carbs. But the truth is, most diets don’t work. Instead of trying to diet mainly through restricting yourself, try changing your eating habits by adding new foods. By adding new, healthy foods you […]
29 Happiness Hacks to Feel Better Now
What makes you happy? I find directly pursuing happiness is difficult to do. Many times the things we think will make us happy fail to do so. Instead I like to focus on growth and developing a strong life philosophy that can guide you through tough times and help you enjoy successes. But what about […]
Friday Links for 07-05-04
From the Web Free Audio Books – SimplyAudiobooks has a number of free audio books you can download. I just finished hearing Sun Tzu’s classic “The Art of War” which is well done. Achieve Flow by Hacking Your Tasks – I recently did another guest spot at lifehack.org about task engagement. HELLO, my name is […]