Economic times aren’t great. The way I see it, you have two choices:
- You can opt out of society and hide all your cash under your mattress.
- Or, you can see the crisis as the kick in the ass you need to start taking action on your financial life.
Ramit Sethi is one of my personal idols. If you don’t already know and love Ramit, check out his wildly popular blog, or his New York Times’ bestselling book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich.
Ramit’s popularity in the realm of saving, investing and earning more money is well earned. He delivers commonsense, yet powerful, solutions, such as:
- How to negotiate your salary to earn thousands more per year, with little work.
- Where to invest your money (and why stock-pickers don’t have a clue).
- Spending money strategically to earn more money.
- Why cutting down on latte purchases doesn’t work, and how to focus on the big wins.
- How to create a credit history to save thousands on any future mortgage or loan.
- How to automate your income streams to earn more with less work.
Through his books and blog writing, Ramit has made an impact in my life. In addition to thinking strategically about my future financial life (which may be worth thousands in the years ahead), Ramit’s writing convinced me to organize my savings intelligently. Now I can earn hundreds of dollars risk-free when most banks are charging a fee just to give them your money.
I Will Teach You to Be Rich Bootcamp (Only Available for 3 Days!)

Ramit Sethi
Given my fanboy status for Ramit, when he asked me to partner with him to promote his upcoming bootcamp, I was excited. I knew that if the bootcamp was anything like his blog, books or videos, it would be a huge benefit to my readers. Ramit already has dozens of examples where readers have saved thousands in just 30-60 minutes of work by acting on a few of his suggestions.
This bootcamp is a six-week training program designed to help you take control of your financial life in a step-by-step process. It’s not an ebook you can download, skim through and forget the next day. It’s personal coaching that is for people who want to take action on their finances.
What Will You Learn in the Bootcamp?
Ramit isn’t about vague generalities. He isn’t going to tell you to “think rich” and sit back and smile at the mind-blowing advice he gave you. One of the reasons I love Ramit, is he is incredibly specific. Generalities make you feel good. Specifics change your life.
Here’s what different types of people can expect to achieve with the bootcamp:
- Twentysomethings – How to save and plan for specific life situations (getting married? buying a house or car?)
- Students – Handle student debt, set up financial systems before you enter the workforce.
- Entrepreneurs – How Ramit has started several companies, automated income streams, and guest speaking entrepreneurs answer any of your questions–live.
- In Debt? – How to escape your debt. Not only the technical answers, but also the psychological keys to overcoming debt.
Best of all, the bootcamp will bring like-minded people together. I believe the networking and peer-support benefits of the bootcamp could pay for the price alone.
Bootcamp Format (Why This Offer Will Expire Soon)
The bootcamp is conducted online, which means anyone from the world can participate. However, the bootcamp is run live, with Ramit and other entrepreneurs and experts providing live webcasts, emails and action steps. This means two things:
- Sign-up for the bootcamp is only available until Friday.
- The seating for the event is limited to 700 slots. Given the hundreds of thousands of people being made this same offer this week, I wouldn’t be surprised if they filled up before Friday.
The cost of the six-week program, with live webcasts and exclusive access to one of the best writers in personal finance is $199. You can sign up here.
Ramit has told me that, being his first bootcamp, this is strictly a testing price. Given that people who take action on this program can save thousands of dollars, $199 is incredibly cheap. The next bootcamp will probably be 3-5x as expensive.
Paying for Value
One of Ramit’s core ideas is that you don’t get rich by being cheap. Paying for value, where you invest in products and services that make you more money than their cost, is the difference between thinking entrepreneurially and penny-pinching.
I think this couldn’t be truer with this product. While the price isn’t expensive for the type of service offered, I can see why some readers here might be hesitant (isn’t $200 a lot of money?). But if a detailed course can help you earn or save thousands more within the next few years, even a price of $900 would be a good deal.
That being said, this product isn’t for passive types. Just by it’s design it forces you to take action on Ramit’s solutions for your financial life. But if you just want something to skim through and forget later, it won’t give you a return. Nothing can.
Sign Up Now, And Get My Products for Free
I believe in Ramit’s strategy and I’ve seen it work, both on myself and many others. As a result, I want to make the bootcamp even more attractive, so I’m going to offer anyone who signs up through this blog a special deal.
If you enroll in the bootcamp, and forward me your receipt, I will send you any product from, completely free. That’s almost a $50 value I’m adding onto this product.
This offer includes all my books and audio programs: Think Outside the Cubicle; Learn More, Study Less; How to Change a Habit; and The Little Book of Productivity.
I’m actually worried that all the slots will be filled too quickly and some of my readers will miss out if they wait until Friday. Therefore, I’m expanding the offer: If you enroll in the program in the next 24 hours and email me your receipt I’ll not only send you the first product of your choice, but a second, completely free. That’s up to $90 in value for enrolling early.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Ramit has also told me that the bootcamp comes with a 30-day period you can get a refund, no questions asked. He isn’t trying to scam you, to sell you watered-down moneymaking tips in a fancy package. We know this stuff works, so if you aren’t happy, you don’t pay.
Stop Reading, Start Taking Action
Ramit told me the initiating idea for this bootcamp was simple: too many people read blogs to feel good about themselves and accomplish nothing. But reading won’t make you more productive, happy or rich. You need to actually get up and do something. The bootcamp is a nice format because it makes people to stop reading and start taking action.
Sign up here. Send me your receipt and I’ll give you any product of your choice from this website. Sign up in before Wednesday and I’ll give you a second one, completely free.