If you needed to buy groceries, would you walk into the store look around, buy nothing, go home and then pat yourself on the back for showing up? Probably not. If you are going shopping you have a specific purpose for being in the supermarket, it isn’t enough just to show up. Likewise, if you […]
Gradual Dieting
Are you as healthy as you would like to be? Whether you are already a marathon running, whole foods vegan or are stuck in the typical fast-food lifestyle, any dietary change can be difficult. Looking out at the barrage of health information it is easy to get overwhelmed. Should you get more Omega-3’s, fiber or […]
Empty Calories
Sweet, greasy and delicious, empty calories are filler food that keep you feeling full while offering little nutritional value. In the short term, these empty calories are great. They let you feel good and are easy to swallow. But their glory is short lived when they leave you with disease and obesity. Empty calories aren’t […]
Seven Ways to Improve Your Workout (Without More Time at the Gym)
Scheduling in exercise in an already busy life can be tough. You already know how importance exercise is to your energy, long-term health and for looking good, but with so many other pressing commitments, it can be hard to put away more time for the gym. By optimizing your workout you can get more benefits […]