Economic times aren’t great. The way I see it, you have two choices: You can opt out of society and hide all your cash under your mattress. Or, you can see the crisis as the kick in the ass you need to start taking action on your financial life. Ramit Sethi is one of my […]
Friday Links
From the Web How to Negotiate Like an Indian: How to Get an $8000 Salary Raise – Ramit is one of my favorite personal finance writers on the net. He epitomizes my belief of focusing on big wins, where you can take actions in precise areas of your life to have a huge impact. A […]
Why the World is Actually Getting Better
I’m halfway through reading The Progress Paradox, by Gregg Easterbrook. The paradox is simply this: why do people feel worse, when life is actually getting better. Easterbrook spends a long chapter arguing how, in almost every dimension, life for Western countries is not (as many exclaim) diving into an abyss, but getting better. And, it […]
Friday Links
From the Web It’s only life or death – Chris Guillebeau does a fantastic interview with John Unger about pulling yourself out from a personal crisis. Here’s the interview-inspiring article. Some of the best parts: “The best thing that ever happened to [John] was nearly being killed in a diner by a crazed taxi driver […]