If I made you take the final exam for a class you studied a decade ago, would you pass? The unfortunate truth is that, except for knowledge we actively use in daily life, much of what we learn is beyond our powers of recall. But that doesn’t mean it has been erased from our memories. […]
Do You Learn More by Struggling on Hard Problems?
Suppose you’re learning a skill like algebra, programming or drawing. Consider two different strategies for studying: Examples first. Before you try anything on your own, study examples of how other people solve similar problems. Problems first. Before looking at any examples, try to solve the problem independently. If you fail or don’t get very far, […]
Book Review — Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs
Pedigree is an eye-opening book. Author and sociologist Lauren Rivera looks into the recruitment practices in elite law, banking, and consulting firms. Rivera’s unsettling portrait provides much ammunition for those who would argue that meritocracy is a myth. In particular, Rivera finds: Alma mater is all-important. Elite firms draw from “core” and “target” schools. Students […]
More Recent Reading
About a year ago, I started a research project focused on the transfer of learning. Given the often disappointing evidence for learning transfer between the classroom and the real world, I was eager to dig into the research on apprenticeships and learning by doing. But the research turned out to be more complicated (and interesting!) […]