Why read a book on the science of instruction? We are all teachers, even if most of us aren’t professional educators. Even if you don’t manage a classroom every day, teaching is an essential part of life. At work, you need to give presentations, coach new hires or explain the merits of a proposal to […]
Is Life Better When You’re Busy?
Why is everybody so busy? Nearly a century ago, the economist John Maynard Keynes predicted we’d only work fifteen hours a week. Incomes would grow and so would our free time. Except that hasn’t happened. Income rose, but we kept working long hours. Why? One answer is that people like to be busy. This paper […]
The 10 Best Tools to Stay Mentally Sharp at Work
How can you maintain peak concentration during difficult tasks? (Besides just chugging coffee, of course.) Staying sharp can be tricky. Even when you desperately need to focus, it can be hard to stop a wandering mind. You might get stuck, unable to push past what ought to be a simple problem. Persisting through these moments […]
Metrics: Useful or Evil?
Last week I read John Doerr’s Measure What Matters and Jerry Muller’s The Tyranny of Metrics back-to-back. Needless to say, they did not agree. Measure What Matters is a peppy business book about the importance of setting clear goals and backing them with metrics. Acronyms and buzzwords abound. These sentences, found on page 186, might […]