Recently, I embarked on a research project exploring the topics of learning by doing, apprenticeship and transfer. I’ve just finished a big reading binge of a few dozen books loosely related to this topic. Since I’m fully aware that at most 1% of the material I read will make it into any future writing, I […]
Digging the Well
I recently came across an essay by Tanner Greer about the rise and decline of public intellectuals. Many appear as geniuses for a time, before later becoming a punch line. Why does this happen? Greer starts with an obvious explanation—genius peaks. As we age, our raw talents decline and we can no longer sustain brilliance. […]
Make Your Life Better by Doing Less
I recently came across the following Nature article, “People systematically overlook subtractive changes.” From the abstract: “Here we show that people systematically default to searching for additive transformations, and consequently overlook subtractive transformations. Across eight experiments, participants were less likely to identify advantageous subtractive changes … Defaulting to searches for additive changes may be one […]
How I Do Research
For the past several years, I’ve been trying to get better at research. I’m far from a master, but I’ve learned some strategies that have helped. I’ve done smaller research-driven essays, from looking into explore-exploit tradeoffs, how aging affects learning and whether speed reading works. I’ve also worked on longer efforts that had me reading […]