Focus is incredibly important. But often we struggle to turn it on when we need it. The right rituals can help a lot. The human brain is a giant association machine. As neuropsychologist Donald Hebb famously put it, “neurons that fire together, wire together.” Repeated patterns form stronger connections. Thus if you pair a consistent […]
What are the Limits of Building Better Habits?
My first set of articles I wrote that got my blog some attention were a series called Habitual Mastery. At the time I had spent a couple years extensively working on my habits through thirty-day trials. The series was an attempt to condense my observations into usable advice. For someone who has never put serious […]
The Competence Trap (and Why it Keeps You From Trying New Things)
A reader asked me recently whether I thought there was a limit to how much math you could learn, based on your intelligence. As in, if your IQ was too low you’d get stuck at algebra or calculus and be unable to learn any more math. This seems highly unlikely. The way deep subjects like […]
What’s Beyond Self-Improvement?
For many, perhaps most people, life is full of struggles. Your career isn’t where you want it to be. You’re a bit out of shape and really need to start eating better. Your relationship status is complicated. True, the promises of self-help books are often inflated, get-rich-quick schemes turn out to take a long time […]