Learning matters to everything you do in life. Here are the best articles I’ve written on the subject. The 5 Best Articles Although I’ve written hundreds of articles on the subject, if you’re not sure where to start, read these five: How to Start Your Own Ultralearning Project (Part One, Part Two) – The process […]
Useful Mental Model: Efficient Markets (and the Efficient Market Hypothesis)
Some ideas are so powerful and general that once you learn them deeply you start to see them everywhere. Efficient markets is one of those ideas. Unfortunately, efficient markets is also an idea that gets a lot of hate. The reason is that the simple logic of efficient markets often leads to conclusions people would […]
The Best Career Articles
Work occupies much of our waking lives. Why not spend the time to build a career you love, rather than one which makes you miserable? Below are some of my best ideas on how to build a successful career: The 5 Best Career Articles I’ve written a lot about your career, but if you’re looking […]
Can Life Have Too Much Meaning?
I’m suspicious of those things where more is always supposed to be better. Nature prefers moderation, so good things can harm you when you get too much of them. Drinking more water is good. Too much and you’ll drown. I think “meaning” is one of those things that is usually good, but that can cause […]