In the last lesson, I showed why a lot of plans people make to avoid their work are misguided. Either the schemes don’t work at all (because they defy basic economic logic) or they result in escaping work only to leave a vacuum with nothing to fill it. Instead, I argued, the better approach is […]
Fantasizing About Retirement? Here’s How to Build a Career You Won’t Want to Quit
Most work sucks. Your boss is demanding, the tasks are menial, you’re not paid what you’re worth and you can never seem to get enough sleep. It’s no wonder, then, that a lot of people hate their jobs. The thing that FIRE (the people who want to retire in their thirties), cryptocurrency junkies and passive-income […]
Evaporating Motivation
Question: At times, we find ourselves getting extremely excited about certain things in our lives. It could be a hobby, social activity, groups of people or even our lives in certain phases. But, as time goes on, we see the motivation and enthusiasm evaporate. Should we be re-kindling the fire somehow or moving on to […]
Is Mastery More Like a Wedge or a Knife?
There’s two main ways to think about becoming really good at something. The first I call the knife model. This is where you get better and better at a very narrow range of skills, movements and patterns. Olympic sprinters, archers and many artisans master like a knife—getting extremely good at one thing. The second I […]