My e-mail address book is filled with friends. Many, I’ve never even met before. I’ve used my blog to connect with hundreds of people and I’ve formed strong bonds with dozens of them. Blogging isn’t just a tool for posting your thoughts or picking up measly AdSense checks. It can be a tool to boost […]
Do You Need to Be a Competitive Jerk to Succeed?
Competition doesn’t motivate me. I can’t be the only person who feels this way, but looking around I feel I can’t be in the majority. Business, sports and life seem to be dominated by people who thrive on conflict with other people. Do you need to be a competitive jerk to succeed? I’ve found competition […]
10 Must-Have Steps to Getting Honest Feedback
People are too nice. You’re worried about rejection and criticism? I think it is more important to worry about the opposite, that people aren’t giving you the honest feedback you need. Even when most people do give criticism, it is usually worded to be as unoffending as possible, often omitting true feelings. I’ve delivered speeches […]
Never Eat Alone
I just finished the great book, Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi. The books major premise: that the idea of rugged individualism, being a lone wolf and succeeding on your own is a myth. Instead, Ferrazzi argues, every success you get should be built off […]