I have a pet theory about discipline: Discipline can help you become good at something, but it can’t make you world-class. If you want to be in good shape, it’s not unreasonable to expect success if you put in enough hard work. Same is true if you wanted to be a decent guitar player or […]
Should You Waste More of Your Time?
If you want to enjoy life and accomplish anything meaningful in it, productivity matters. I’ve met quite a few people who feel overwhelmed constantly by their workload. Even in cases when I know I’ve had relatively busier period in my life with less stress. That isn’t to claim I’m somehow superior–I’m definitely not. Simply that […]
Do You Use “Lack of Motivation” as an Excuse?
A common excuse I hear for not setting goals, building mastery or sticking to important habits is the phrase, “I’m just not motivated enough.” I wonder whether these people believe motivation will simply fall from the sky and strike them. As if sitting and doing nothing was the best way to break a cycle of […]
You’re Lazier Than You Think
Most people vastly overestimate their willpower. After four years of detailed feedback from readers on habit changes, I can come to no other conclusion. If willpower were cash, most people empty their wallets on the first day. Keeping this in mind, when I set the first 30 Day Trials for the group of students enrolled […]