“I’m so poor I can’t even pay attention.” Time is not money. Attention is money. Not just money, attention is life itself. Where you pay attention doesn’t just impact your bank account but the quality of life itself. With the colorful buzz of television, downpour of e-mail messages and endless stresses it is time to […]
7 Tips to Find the Hidden Utility in Everything
“Beggars can’t be choosers” As trite an obvious as this saying is, it does hold a deeper truth. Rarely do the perfect ingredients come together to make something happen. The perfect tools, mentors and resources don’t always show up when you need them. Since you can’t usually choose your starting point, you need to find […]
10 Tips for Enjoying Solitude
“Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.” – Francis Bacon A little solitude can be relaxing. A lot can make you feel lonely, isolated and miserable. But sometimes solitude is unavoidable. You may have to close yourself away from friends to finish a project. You may be placed into […]
100 Good Ideas
I write a lot of ideas on this blog. I’ve written over 300 articles and dozens more for other sites. Two e-books and a software program, there are even more ideas I’ve tried to give some depth to. This list doesn’t just represent links to posts, but it gives a broad stroke of my entire […]