I have forty minutes to write this article. Do I need to limit my time? Probably not, but I’d like to illustrate a point: Deadlines are useful tools. Deadlines are a budget for your time. It makes sense that budgeting your money would be more efficient than spending whatever you feel like. A budget forces […]
Is Willpower an Illusion?
Is willpower really that important? I’m doubting this assumption. It seems that the more I’ve learned about improvement and psychology, the less important willpower seems. Habits, energy management, and various human quirks seem to have pushed will into a smaller and smaller corner as a means to explain or plan for success. Now I’m starting […]
Myth: Organization is the Key to Productivity
The problem with commonsense is that it isn’t that common. I’ve read a lot of books on productivity and time management and they all seem to espouse the same basic idea. The false idea that the reason you aren’t productive is because you simply aren’t organizing, prioritizing and using your time efficiently. Experimenting With Chaos […]
Do Less to Be More Productive
Note: This is a guest post by Leo Babauta, a fellow PBN member, who blogs at Zen Habits about setting goals, creating habits, productivity, GTD, motivation, exercise and more. If you enjoy this post, I recommend you head to his site for more inspirational writing. Many articles on productivity will teach you how to do […]