It’s easy to get really enthusiastic about a new goal, start working hard and then completely burn yourself out a week later. For some people it’s an annual event, usually starting about January 1st. Diets that crash in a month. Financial plans that aim to hit your first million in a year. Like a kid […]
The Myth of Confidence
This is why I love you guys, you make the content for me. A reader going by Al E. posted this fascinating comment in regards to my post, The Confidence Myth. His major point is that telling someone to “be confident” is a waste of time. I couldn’t agree more. I don’t like advice that […]
Be Decisive
Decisiveness is defined as being “characterized by firmness and decision.” Being decisive means that you have the ability to decide. From the strength of a decision you then have the ability to act. Leadership requires that you are able to make key decisions effectively. Decisiveness then simply means being the leader of your own life. […]
Guiding Your Emotions
Have you ever gotten mad over nothing? Often when you look back at that time from a more resourceful state your past anger may have seemed silly or even confusing. You may have struggled to understand what had kept you from escaping it, what was fueling this negative emotion. Yet while you were annoyed, the […]