Changing a habit isn’t that difficult, it’s making that change last where things get tricky. Many people have started diets and held them up for a few months only to break their commitment and have to start from scratch. Building enthusiasm for a new goal or project can get you a few days, maybe even […]
The Optimists Dilemma
To be positive or not to be positive, that is the question. Being optimistic can certainly motivate you towards action. Unfortunately, unadulterated optimism can also blind you to potential problems and get you to overstate your chances of success. The optimists dilemma is whether the gain in motivation is worth the price in rationally observing […]
Specializing VS Generalizing
Some of the comments in my last article about generalizing skills, brought up the dilemma many people face when building skills. Should you become a jack of all trades but master of none, or become wickedly proficient at one skill without involving yourself in others? There are a lot of different ways to look at […]
Skill Generalizing
I recently spoke at my Toastmasters club during an open house to some guests about the benefits of membership. One of the important points I made was that Toastmasters works on your communication skills not just public speaking. Because most people speak in front of an audience infrequently, this helped them realize the advantages Toastmasters […]