Have you ever made a commitment that didn’t stick? Resolved to stick to a new diet, but ended up splurging on a piece of cake? Resolved to watch your expenses, but ended up buying something you really didn’t need? Maybe you resolved to live consciously in the pursuit of your goals, but slid back into […]
Upgrade Your Day
Most people think of the big moments in life when defining personal happiness. Getting the promotion, fitting into a smaller swimsuit, finding that special someone. While these are certainly important, I believe it is the quality of your daily life that influences happiness the most. What would the perfect ordinary day look like? The right […]
Faster Improvement Made Simple
Have you ever set a goal or a resolution and failed to take the action necessary to make it succeed? Have you ever found yourself investing into improving one area of your life while others begin to crumble? Have you ever spent more time worrying and stressing about a problem then actually fixing it? Over […]
How to Build Skills Faster
Most goal achievement will require a certain amount of skill building. These can be external skills like communication, programming or design. They may also be internal skills like courage, discipline or emotional mastery. Much of faster achievement means faster skill building. Practice Makes Perfect The cornerstone of building any skill is practice. Instruction, modeling and […]