Goal-setting has its strengths and weaknesses. They can give you immense clarity and focus when you are lost and confused. They can push you to grow when you might otherwise think of turning back. However, goals can also harm. Obsessive goal-setters can lose sight of the bigger picture, endlessly chasing objective after objective only to […]
Why New Years Resolutions Suck
The year is almost up and with it will come a whole new round of resolutions. Frantic attempts to change habits, make commitments and radically shift the direction of your life. A hopeful new outlook on the upcoming year. Unfortunately, most New Years Resolutions suck. The vast majority of New Years Resolutions fail to make […]
Creative Constraints
Is more choice always better? Our culture of consuming would seemingly make that to be the case. More choices, more options, all with greater convenience than ever before. Constraints are definitely a bad thing, right? I disagree with the philosophy that more choice is always better. I believe that sometimes imposing additional constraints on a […]
Anchor Moments
You build up the confidence to go over and talk to the attractive stranger. You have thought of something interesting to say and you stroll by. Suddenly a fleeting expression on the strangers face causes your confidence to shake. You no longer feel your opening remark is nearly as witty or interesting as it had […]