Where should you go to school? What should you study? Whom should you marry? Should you have kids? Where should you live? These are all hard decisions. In particular, they’re hard for a few reasons: There’s more than one (socially) acceptable answer. Our cultures often nudge us to make hard decisions by making one answer […]
How to Get Feedback
Feedback is essential to improvement. But it can often be tricky to get. How do you know which feedback to listen to, and what to ignore?
How to Be Prolific
I’ve written a lot of stuff here in the past ten years. 1254 articles. Four books (and another on the way). Five courses. Hundreds of videos. Additionally, I’ve written at least another 100-200 articles for other publications over the years. Being prolific has two main benefits: Talking with fledgling writers, the biggest struggle I see […]
Haters are Good: Why You Need Your Critics
Most people hate critics. But you need to live in a world where they exist. Too much praise can destroy good ideas as much as too much criticism.