Your energy levels are the basis of your success and happiness. Here are nine habits you can start today to feel more energetic in work and at home.
Should You Be an Early Riser, or Just Get Enough Sleep?
A common piece of productivity advice is to wake up early. This can make sense. Waking up early lets you capture more of the quiet morning hours. There’s fewer social distractions. Combined with starting work right away, it can be a powerful ritual to get stuff done. However, waking up early also has its downsides. […]
How to Pick Which Books to Read
I often get asked what the best books are. It’s difficult to answer because everyone has different expectations. Learn how I rank them.
Book Recommendation: Atomic Habits
Habits are the invisible foundation that underline everything you’ll ever do, experience or achieve. Any effort for self-improvement needs to start by looking at what you actually do every day. If a goal doesn’t cause you to change your habits, then there’s not much point of actually setting one. Although there’s been many books and […]