By far the most popular project I’ve done publicly has been the MIT Challenge. Starting nearly seven years ago, in the fall of 2011, the idea was to learn the curriculum of MIT’s four year computer science undergrad, evaluate myself by trying to pass the final exams, complete the programming projects and finish in one […]
Book Club: The Elephant In The Brain (February 2018)
This month I’m discussing “The Elephant in the Brain” by Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson.
Lesson One: How much of your career is running to stay in the same spot?
Are you getting where you want to be in your career? Explore why there’s a problem of people being too busy and how to move forward.
Further Notes on “Rethinking Discipline”
What does self-discipline mean and how does it work? Even more important, how can it work for you? Learn my current view and strategies about it.