Psychological research has demonstrated that human beings are particularly susceptible to what are called framing effects. These are differences in the way we respond to a situation, based on how it is framed for us, rather than on its substance. To take a particularly striking example, American physicians were presented with the following scenario: “The […]
Book Club: Godel, Escher, Bach (December 2017)
This month we read the fantastically weird and wonderful book “Godel, Escher, Back” by Douglas Hofstadter.
Discovering the Meta
What is Meta and how do you discover it when it comes to learning? Discover the complete guide on Meta actions and a step-by-step instruction.
Book Club: Average Is Over (November 2017)
Last month we read Average Is Over by Tyler Cowen. In this eye-opening book, renowned economist and bestselling author Tyler Cowen explains that high earners are taking ever more advantage of machine intelligence in data analysis and achieving ever-better results. Meanwhile, low earners who haven’t committed to learning, to making the most of new technologies, have […]