What makes learning hard? Explore the two kinds of difficulties coming with learning new things and how to approach them.
Book Club: Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind (July 2017)
James Clear and I discuss July’s book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. We cover the major themes in the book as well as the author’s thought provoking interpretation of human history, contemporary society, and beyond. If you would rather read the transcript, you can download it here. Below are some of the highlights: …on […]
Lesson #1: Capital Trumps Courage
This is the first lesson in a four-part series on identifying rare and valuable career skills and then putting in the work to get really good at them. We’ll only be posting the first lesson to the blog, so if you want to see the rest, you’ll have to join my newsletter. This first lesson […]
You Should Have More Spectacular Failures
Most advice is calibration. Eat less (because you’re inclined to overeat). Study more (because you’ll probably wait too long and cram right before the exam). Procrastinate less (because you’ll probably spend days stressing about trying to do the thing that if you just did it now, it wouldn’t be all that bad). I try to […]