Why does money have value? After all, if I went with some colorful feathers and tried to use them to purchase a hamburger, I’d get laughed right out of McDonald’s. Then, why do colorful pieces of paper and metal work instead? According to Yuval Harari in his book Sapiens, the answer is that the value […]
Book Club: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (June 2017)
Kalid Azad and myself are discussing the book: “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” in this month’s book club post.
Do You Need Self-Discipline to Have Fun?
I believe that self-discipline leads to more fun in life. Discover my views and challenges that will help you getting more out of your life.
How Much Do You Really Understand?
How do you know when you understand something? This is trickier than it seems. Explanations are recursive. recursive. Recursion is the algorithmic equivalent of Matryoshka dolls. The same process nested inside itself again and again. This may sound complicated, but we use recursive processes all the time. recursive processes all the time. Consider trying to […]