I can remember years ago having a discussion with someone about the purpose of college. I was arguing that university often doesn’t do a good job of preparing young people for the world of work, and my friend was arguing that I was missing the point. College isn’t about economic preparedness, but about educating people […]
Multiply or Add?
Sometimes things multiply instead of adding. Discover one of the most influential essays that inspired me to start my own business.
Book Club: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (June 2017)
I like to read a lot of books. But, if you’re like me, you often find that you read a book that sparks a lot of interesting ideas, hoping to discuss it with your friends, and find that you can’t find many people who have read the same books as you. That’s why I’m starting […]
New Project: Level Up Korean with Five Hours Per Week
Can you learn a language with only 5 hours of learning a week? Discover my ultralearning methods I use to learn Korean.