Imagine for second that you want to go purchase a car. You’ve decided the brand and model you want, and how much you’re prepared to spend. Then you walk into the dealership and leave… with a bicycle. That story feels absurd because people don’t go out seeking cars and accidentally getting bicycles. However, that is […]
Flow Doesn’t Lead to Mastery
The concept of flow, first introduced by psychologist Mihály Csikszentmihályi, is the enjoyable feeling that happens when you are totally immersed in an activity. You stop feeling self conscious, with your attention being completely absorbed by the task at hand. Chances are you’ve felt flow many times before. Maybe during a game, sports or even […]
How the Brain Changes with Expertise
Is learning mostly about finding the right mental strategies? It might be. Discover the study that let me rethink the application of effective learning strategies.
How Einstein Learned Physics
After reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Albert Einstein I wanted to share the part I found most interesting. How did the genius Albert Einstein learn physics?