Here’s some good books I’ve read recently: The Problem with Political Authority – Michael Huemer Do governments have a special right to coerce? Do citizens have an obligation to obey? Starting from uncontroversial assumptions about everyday morality almost everyone would accept, Huemer ends with a radical conclusion: government is a great and unnecessary evil. Like […]
The Bicycle Problem: How the Illusion of Explanatory Depth Tricks Your Brain
Do you know how a bicycle works? If asked, could you say where the chain, pedals and frame are? According to a 2006 study by the University of Liverpool, maybe not. Participants in the study were asked to draw a picture of a bicycle. Later, to make sure that lack of artistic skill wasn’t a […]
How Much Free Will Do You Have?
Free will is a thorny philosophical problem. Many see it as the foundation for our lives and morality. Others deny it exists. I’m not so sure where I fall on beliefs about the reality of free will. I strongly suspect it comes down to how you define it. Defined too strictly and it isn’t even […]
Should You Know Your IQ?
As I mentioned in this post about things I’ve changed my mind on, one of them is IQ. I used to believe that IQ was unimportant or overly simplified. But I’ve since been educated against my prejudice—it is a very successful psychometric and has impressive predictive power. Still, after accepting the usefulness of a general […]