Is stress useful at all? Discover the different arguments and the philosophical view of stress, success and anxiety.
How I’m Continuing to Learn (and Hopefully Master) Chinese
I finished my year project of learning 4 languages and decided to improve my Chinese to a higher level. Discover my thoughts and systems behind it.
I’m 27
Every year, on my birthday, I write a post reviewing the past year in my life and my plans for the future. You can see all the previous ones, starting with my 18th birthday shortly after I began writing this blog over nine years ago. Unlike most my other articles, where I try to extend […]
The Two Ways to Evaluate Ideas
I recently wrote an article where I changed my mind on speed reading. I had originally read a book on speed reading, practiced it, found it effective and logged my results. Years later, having had some personal doubts on the practice, I went back and did the research I wasn’t able to do the first […]