Have you ever started working on a project only to abandon it later on? Learn the habits that will help you finish what you started.
Why is it So Hard to Create Permanent Habits?
Motivation works well in the short-term. If you set a new goal, you can probably summon up the motivation to pursue it earnestly for a week or two. If the goal is tremendously important, that motivation may even carry you uninterrupted for a month. But motivation wanes. If your goal takes more than a month […]
Which Skills Should You Master?
It’s a difficult to decide on skills you want to master, especially when there are thousands to choose from. Learn how to figure out your skills to master.
Be Bold, Presumptuous and Stop Caring About What Others Think
A reader recently referred me to this project to break into the top 250 table tennis players in the UK in one year. What happened? He failed. In his own words: “The challenge ended a week ago and I am still nowhere near the top 250. I wasn’t even good enough to get an official […]