In the original research on deliberate practice, an important distinction is made between work and practice. The goal of work is to accomplish something. The goal of practice is to learn. Work is a basketball game or recital. Practice is layup drills or training your fingers to master a tricky combination of notes. Unfortunately creating […]
Different Kinds of Difficulty
How difficult is it to learn a new language, start a business, or write a book? These are common questions, but unfortunately the answers you’ll get from people aren’t very satisfying. The problem is that the word “difficulty” is horribly imprecise. There are different kinds of difficulty, and although the English language likes to lump […]
Knowing Facts Still Matters (Even in an Age of Wikipedia)
Even with the internet on our hands, learning facts is still important and relevant. Discover why and how it can help you.
Two Ways to Think About Career Fulfillment
A good job pays well. A great job fills you with a sense of purpose. A meaningful career is something most of us want, even if it can be hard to create. What makes a career meaningful? I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve come to two very different possible answers. Although they might seem […]