People who’ve never done a timelog before often grossly overestimate the amount of time they are actually working. Years ago I had a friend who was launching a software company and earnestly told me that he was putting in 12-hour work days to achieve this. Despite that, I could see him making dozens of online […]
Guest Posts I’ve Done About Learning Chinese
I’ve written two in-depth guest posts about learning Chinese. My first instinct was to post them here, but John Pasden of and Olle Linge of were gracious enough to let me share my recent experiences with their audiences. First, my guest post at about how I managed to pass the HSK 4 […]
Learning Chinese over 3½ Months | 12-Min Documentary
As we did with Spain and Brazil, we filmed a short documentary chronicling our experiences learning Chinese over a little more than three months. Vat also spent hundreds of hours doing timelapses, hyperlapses and videos to try to capture a different perspective on what life is like in China. We both felt that the China […]
How I Plan to Learn Korean Differently than Chinese
Sometimes I question my sanity. After all, what kind of person agrees to learn four languages in a year, including two linguistically unrelated Asian languages back-to-back in six months? Learning Chinese was a blast, but it was also an incredible amount of work. My stated goal from the beginning was to learn as much Chinese […]