Peter Drucker, the eminent management theorist who coined the term “knowledge worker,” made a compelling case for figuring out where your time goes: Effective executives, in my observation, do not start with their tasks. They start with their time. And they do not start out with planning. They start by finding out where their time […]
The Key to Sustainable Productivity
In order to become more productive, you have to worry less about feeling productive and more about creating systems that allow you to get more done.
Needing to Pay Attention is a Novel Problem
Cal Newport and I are running a new session of our popular course, Life of Focus, next week. For the next three months, we’ll be working with students to improve their deep work routines, safeguard their personal time and engage in meaningful projects. We hope you’ll join us! If you’ve read anything about healthy eating, […]
Creativity is Productivity
Scientists receive fewer citations as they get older. Matt Clancy explains: Pick any author at random, and on average the papers they publish earlier in their career, whether as first author or last author, will be more highly cited and cited by a more diverse group of fields, than a paper they publish later in […]