Some reflections on the value of learning multiple languages. Is it worth the hype?
Productivity – Opening Update
Productivity is the second foundation in my year-long project (and course) to improve the universal elements essential to a good life. As I write this, today is the first day of my month-long productivity challenge, although you’ll probably be reading this in the newsletter around a week later. I didn’t want to publish my month-end […]
Fitness – Month-End Update
As I write this, I’m concluding the first month of my year-long foundations project. The first month’s foundation was fitness. You can read my opening update here and my post covering all the books I read this month here. In this essay, I’ll be focusing on how the first month went for me personally, as […]
What I Learned About Getting in Shape After Reading 13 Books This Month
As I write this, I’m wrapping up the first month of my year-long project to improve my foundations. This month was focused on fitness, where I concentrated on establishing a daily, thirty-minute exercise habit. Next week, I’ll share an update on how my first month went. But today, I’d like to focus on the other […]