Making any new habit is not usually one habit, but many. Not a cue-response relationship, but a collection of flexible strategies that deal with most scenarios reality throws at you. When you’ve done that, you’re acquired a kind of expertise—not of a subject, but of yourself.
5 Tips for Staying Focused (When You’re Stressed)
Focus is essential to productivity. But it’s tough to stay focused when you’re anxious. This is a dilemma I’ve faced quite a bit in my own work. As I’ve written before, I’m a somewhat anxious person by nature—and that can wreak havoc when I’m worried about the things I need to work on. Worries deal […]
Fitness: Day One
Fitness is the first foundation in my year-long project. Here’s how I’m getting back into shape.
What Could You Change in a Year?
In the space of just a few years, I changed my diet, started exercising, began using a productivity system, read several books per month, joined Toastmasters, wrote a journal regularly, began waking up early, tried mediation and much more.