The goal of creating a gym habit is to make going to the gym such an unthinking part of your life that you don’t really consider it. It’s just something you do.
Do Long-Term Goals Bring Happiness?
The purpose of setting a goal is to align your behavior and life in the present. I think this point is often missed in discussing goal-setting in general, because most people see setting a long-term goal as about (primarily) realizing that goal in your future.
The Perpetual Backburner: Is Procrastination Part Of Human Nature?
The basic logic behind procrastination is that you’ll delay working on something if the aversion to working on it (or the pull to distract yourself) is greater than your motivation to work on that thing.
You Have to Be Willing to Get Cut
What are the cuts you're trying to avoid in life? Which ones are you best off taking right away, so you don't feel the sting?