How can you get to the next level? Here's two different theories and what that means for your getting better at anything.
How to Stop Feeling Like an Imposter
Impostor syndrome is the constant insecurity that your accomplishments don't matter, and you'll be exposed as a fraud. Here's how to overcome those feelings
What is Quantum Mechanics? (An Incomplete and Amateur Summary)
In case you missed it, I spent last month learning MIT’s quantum mechanics. I’ve written a bit about how the project went, what I did and why I did it here. Today, I’d like to talk about what I’ve learned and try to explain, without using math, what picture of reality quantum mechanics gives us […]
Let’s Learn Quantum Mechanics: Project Complete!
Yesterday morning, I finished my month-long project to get a good foundation in the basics of quantum mechanics. I had picked this project for two reasons. First was because I knew it was going to be a challenging class and the idea of understanding the strange rules which govern all of reality has fascinated me […]