Most diet books focus on what to eat. This one focuses on behavior. See the science behind why we overeat and how to lose weight.
Let’s Learn Quantum Mechanics: Week One Update
Last Monday, I announced a new ultralearning project: trying to get a good grasp of the physics behind quantum mechanics. In particular, I decided to try to tackle MIT’s 8.04 – Quantum Physics I, similarly to how I tackled other MIT classes during the MIT Challenge. As an experiment, I decided to try livestreaming the […]
Should You Fix Weaknesses or Focus on Strengths? Here’s How to Decide
Get better at something you're already good at? Or finally face down those fears and tackle something you've always struggled with? Here's how to choose.
New Ultralearning Project: Let’s Learn Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is a famously confusing and difficult subject. I'm going to try to learn the basics (with math) over a month. Come join me!