I read to improve myself. Despite this, I actually read very few self-help books. Most of books I read are completely outside the self-help or business book genres. The world rewards unique thinking. If your entire library looks like the self-help section of a bookstore, you probably don’t have enough varied perspectives to handle the […]
Consciousness Explained
I just finished a great book written by philosopher Daniel Dennett entitled, Consciousness Explained. The title is ambitious but not misleading, as Dennett forms a theory for how consciousness might actually happen. If you’re like me, then thinking about how it’s possible for you to experience a sunset or enjoy a symphony isn’t easy. Dennett […]
The Power of Less
The world is becoming more complex, and we’re leading more complicated lives. It may be a cliche, but that doesn’t make it untrue. Zen Habits has become one of the most popular on the web in a short period of time. Why? Because Leo Babauta’s message of simplicity strikes out against the chaos many of […]
The Unconventional Guide to Working for Yourself
There are a lot of guides for how to make money on the internet. Most of them aren’t worth mentioning. Often the author greatly oversells the concept, creating wild claims that you can earn $10,000 per month with just a few hours of work each month. In other cases, the author doesn’t have any past […]