There are two types of positive thinking. You can be optimistic about what you think, or you can be positive in how you think. One is useful and the other is dangerous. Unfortunately, the difference between the two is often subtle, and I rarely see anyone addressing this issue directly. Optimism – Dangerous Positive Thinking […]
Stop Trying to Impress People
Someone once told me that, “Integrity is being the same person in your house that you are on the street.” More than just integrity, I think that consistency has a huge effect on your self-image. How can you be comfortable with yourself if you feel the need to impress other people? The people I have […]
Self-Confidence is an Oxymoron
I’ve noticed that confident people tend to focus less on themselves and more on their outside environment. If you have polished public speaking skills, you don’t think about getting nervous or being embarrassed. Instead you’re focused on the audience and the content of your speech. I’d argue that self-confidence is an oxymoron because total confidence […]
The Power of Humility: Why Confidence is Overrated
Any good self-help book will tell you to be confident. Stand up straight, see past your critics and believe in yourself. I’d like to break tradition and argue the opposite. That humility is a useful tool and confidence can be overrated. Deluded by Your Own Hype Whipping yourself into a motivational frenzy may temporarily make […]