I recently wrote a guest post over at lifehack.org about managing stress by setting daily goals instead of traditional to-do lists. Daily goal-setting means chunking to-do items into a group you will tackle tomorrow. This process helps you schedule your next day between a light and a hard day. Ultimately this will reduce guilt when […]
Empty Calories
Sweet, greasy and delicious, empty calories are filler food that keep you feeling full while offering little nutritional value. In the short term, these empty calories are great. They let you feel good and are easy to swallow. But their glory is short lived when they leave you with disease and obesity. Empty calories aren’t […]
How to Manage Stress
Whether it is working towards goals, facing relationships challenges or just getting stuck in a traffic jam, life can often be stressful. How you manage to deal with this stress largely determines whether you are going to be a happy, self-actualizing individual or if you stumble into anxiety and depression. I’ve found a system that […]
Stress and Recovery
One of the core concepts behind energy management is that you increase your energy by cycling between stress and recovery. Weightlifters use this method all the time by stressing their muscles at the gym and then taking suitable downtime for the muscle fibers to recover and grow stronger. If you skip the recovery phase and […]