Can partying be a source of self-improvement? Although I tend to write more about work and productivity, because those are my strengths, I’m probably a fairly typical student when it comes to partying and socializing with friends. Because of this I’ve been asked a number of times on how I feel this fits with the […]
Feeling Overwhelmed?
How can you do it all? Running a marathon, setting up a successful business, getting organized and achieving your dreams aren’t easy to do. Even after you take the important step of deciding what you want out of life, it is hard not to be overwhelmed by the size of everything you want to accomplish. […]
How to Build Momentum Into Your Day
Have you ever had one of those days? You struggle to pull yourself out of bed. Every task you attempt feels like wading through molasses and even simple chores become painful. Maybe you’ve had one of these days recently. I believe building momentum to be one of the critical factors for whether I have a […]
How to Keep a Laser Focus Without Burning Out
Do you find your mind wandering when you’re trying to work? Do you feel guilty when you try to take some time away from your to-do list? Staying focused enough on your work to get things accomplished isn’t easy. Today I’m going to focus on one measurement, cyclicity that is critical to staying focused without […]