Is the caffeine wearing off? Don’t let a temporary slump ruin your day. Energizing yourself means physically, mentally and emotionally refocusing your efforts back to work. Here’s twenty ways to kill that slump and get your work done: Stop! – Either continue working fully or stop working entirely, nothing in-between. Don’t pull up your e-mail, […]
Seven Ways to Live a More Balanced Life
I believe life balance doesn’t come so much from how you work, but how you rest. Unless you are working 80 hour workweeks in a toxic environment, the answer to the level of balance you have between life and work isn’t going to come from how you spend time in the office but what you […]
Want to Wake Up Earlier? Remember DIPS
I definitely wasn’t born an early riser. A few years ago it would have been a struggle to move me out of bed before eight and I often slept well into noon on weekends. After looking at the potential benefits that waking up earlier could create, I decided to train myself to wake up earlier. […]
Social Energy
Thinking of energy, most people think towards physical or emotional energy. Either in the guy that can run a marathon at the drop of a hat or the gal that just exudes enthusiasm and positivity, these forms of energy are the most obvious. But there is an often neglected form of energy that is every […]