From the Web Notetaking for Geeks – Tim Ferriss has a great entry on how to use notetaking to organize the information input in your life. The system struck me as something I need for myself, as I’ve been relying on my memory too much when referencing blog posts, books and random thoughts. Faith Isn’t […]
Friday Links 07-11-30
From the Web Lost Purposes -Another great post at Overcoming Bias. I’ve talked before about the difference between going to school to learn versus just getting a degree. This post explores how it is easy to lose your sight of your actual purpose. Stop Simplifying Reality – The road to hell is paved with good […]
Friday Links 07-11-23
From the Web A few recent articles I’ve done: Restarting the Exercise Habit ( 7 Lesser Known Ways to Increase Productivity (Pick The Brain) Finding the Hidden Bias in a Test ( Why Aiming for an A is Better Than an A+ ( From the Archives Ten Minutes to a Better Tomorrow – Daily reviews. […]
Friday Links 07-11-15
From the Web Calculate Your Churn Rate – Cal Newport has a great article here about calculating your churn rate. This measurement basically determines how quickly you cycle through projects. Read the comments below for my comments for possible enhancements to the concept. Do You Have a Deeply Fulfilling Career? – Steve Pavlina comes out […]