After a nine hour bus ride I’m back from my trip and I should have another article ready tomorrow. I must be luckiest when I’m not looking, because it seems I hit a couple traffic spikes while I was gone including a lifehacker mention and hits. I also did a freelance article over at […]
100 Good Ideas
I write a lot of ideas on this blog. I’ve written over 300 articles and dozens more for other sites. Two e-books and a software program, there are even more ideas I’ve tried to give some depth to. This list doesn’t just represent links to posts, but it gives a broad stroke of my entire […]
I’m Gone for a Week
I’ll be gone from the 9th to the 16th. I’ll be visiting family and spending a couple days at a cottage where the closest thing to a computer and internet access is a television from the 80’s and rabbit ears. I’ll doubt I’ll be able to get online, so no new comments will appear on […]
Call to Lifehackers
My friend Cal Newport is writing a piece on the lifehacker movement for a major publication. He would like your help. He’s looking to talk to people under 30 who are interested in personal development, productivity, lifehack interests. To put it in his words: My basic goal is to talk to as many young people […]