I just finished writing my newest e-book, How to Change a Habit. The book has over eighty pages of content, with full-color illustrations, detailing exactly how to change a habit. The book is being published by Lulu and costs 14.99 USD. Buy the Book Here Get a Sneak Preview for Free Writing the e-book has […]
Upcoming E-Book
I’m putting the finishing touches on my second e-book for the site, How to Change a Habit. Those of you familiar with my Holistic Learning E-Book will probably recognize the style of screen formatted pages with helpful images done by yours truly. This book is almost three times the length of Holistic Learning, and is […]
What Are Your Goals?
I enjoy receiving reader comments, either through the comment form at the bottom of my posts or through e-mail. Occasionally I’ll get an e-mail from someone asking for advice in solving a problem or for more resources of information. I’ve found these little glimpses to be helpful in knowing where to take the content of […]
Links for Getting in Shape
It’s approaching summer, a great time to be fit and look good. Here are a couple resources for getting in shape that I’ve stumbled upon recently. Good ideas in all: Tim Ferriss documents how he gained 34 pounds of muscle mass from a combined total of eight hours in the gym over one month. Even […]