If you’ve read any of my past writings you are probably aware that one of the blogs I regularly subscribe to is Steve Pavlina’s personal development blog. Although we don’t always agree on certain issues, other readers have pointed out several times similarities in our writing styles. Steve writes about a variety of personal development […]
How to Get the Most Out of This Site
In the short duration I have been writing to this blog I have received a lot of feedback. I greatly appreciate this feedback whether it comes as a comment to an entry I’ve made or a personal message sent to me via my contact page. Getting these messages from all of you has been enormously […]
Thoughts on University
I apologize for my lack of posting during this past week. I usually try to get a full article in every day or two, but moving to University has eaten up all my time and energy to write a new post until now. Seeing as this has been a big transition for myself it has […]
Moving to University
As some of you probably already know I am attending university in the fall, and it looks like that time has come. I’ll be moving during the next few days so I might not get time to write a blog entry during this period. I’m really excited to explore all the new opportunities that come […]