Okay, I redid my CSS theme for this site and I think I’ve solved the whole problem with the top-navigation links not working in Internet Explorer. It seems the issue was being caused because Internet Explorer doesn’t like it when I try to overlap sections of the website, which I had done. I redid the […]
Technical Problems
An Internet Explorer user recently brought to my attention a fairly glaring problem with this website, it isn’t working! 🙁 It seems all the top navigation links aren’t formatting correctly and they aren’t linking to anything. I wondered why nobody had contacted me about this until I realized that the Contact form itself was part […]
Happy Birthday
I’ve recently been spending a lot of time thinking about the past year, what has gone well, what mistakes I’ve made and where I have grown. I have also thought a lot about the future year, trying to see where I should place my focus, what lessons to remember and where I should strive to […]
Post One Hundred
It looks like this is number one hundred for posting. That’s almost one hundred full articles, discounting a few of the smaller post updates I had made. Since I average about 2000 words per article that is approximately two hundred thousand words of personal development. The decision to start this blog has to have been […]