I am pleased to announce that my interactive program designed to help teach goal setting is now available from the programs section of this website. It was a very interesting experiment with some ups and downs but hopefully it can be useful to the readers of this website. You can download the program here. What […]
Big Changes to ScottHYoung.com
Over the past three weeks I have been working on some big changes to come to this website. These changes should accomplish three primary objectives which I have for the website both from my perspective and the perspective of any of my readers. The first objective is monetization. Although this site has been ad-less since […]
I’m Back!
Back from my travels. I’ll make a new blog post sometime tomorrow. I’ve had lots of thoughts over the past week, so I’ll have plenty of material in the upcoming days and weeks. Thanks for the comments and being patient during my away time.
Gone Until July 17
It looks like I am going to be without internet until July 17. In the upcoming weeks I am going to two weddings and taking some well needed vacation time. During this period I will be unable to check comments, respond to e-mail or make any new posts. I have lined up a few posts […]