Phil Gerbyshak over at contacted me about doing an interview a few weeks ago. We did the interview via e-mail and now he has posted the interview on his blog. Phil’s a great guy with a lot of his own thoughts about how to make things great. Going from good to great is one […]
Multimedia Project
I no longer need testers to help me out with the prototype. If you are still interested, the program will be released in early August. A big thanks goes out to all those who helped me int this process! Hello! I am currently working to produce a multimedia program designed to teach goal setting. The […]
Book A Day Challenge Complete!
For those of you who missed my initial post, I had previously decided to take on a temporary “Book A Day” challenge. I had borrowed eight books from my local library with the intention to read them all in eight days. The books totaled over 2100 pages of print. Well, it only took me seven […]
Last night I went to my first Toastmasters meeting. For those of you who don’t know, Toastmasters is an organization designed to develop public speaking skills and communication skills in general. I had a great time at Toastmasters and I hope to have a great time during their next meeting as well. Toastmasters is run […]