Stop reading boring books. Unless you absolutely need to finish reading a book for a class, position or job, you’re probably better off putting down books you don’t enjoy. I’ve found good books are like good food, the more you enjoy it, the faster you want to ingest it. Except, while eating a hamburger in […]
Would You Still Work If They Didn’t Pay You?
If money wasn’t an issue, would you still do the work you are currently doing? If the answer is “no”, you should start looking for a new job. I think it’s interesting that people would consider it unacceptable to marry and spend your entire life with someone you didn’t love. Yet, in our culture, these […]
How Much Stuff Do You Need?
You need stuff to live. You need food to eat, water to drink and (at least in most climates) a roof over your head. At a basic level, stuff is necessary for survival. The question is, how much stuff do you really need? And, how can you own things without having them control your life? […]
Finding Motivation for Improbable Goals
In two previous articles, I wrote about my desire to live a completely digital life. A digital lifestyle is when all of your income generation doesn’t depend on a location. Preferably through a business (although freelancing and a few jobs would allow you to go digital), this would mean you can live anywhere in the […]